根据习近平总书记在中央城镇化工作会议上关于“提升城市排水系统时要优先考虑把有限的雨水留下来,优先考虑更多利用自然力量排水,建设自然存积、自然渗透、自然净化的海绵城市”的讲话精神 ,以及国办发[2015]75号文件“到2020年城市建成区20%以上的面积达成海绵城市建设目标;到2030年城市建成区80%以上面积达到海绵城市建设目标”要求。
According to the China’s President Xi Jinping in the urbanization conference about "In order to improve the urban drainage system, we should give priority to reserving the limited rainfall, making use of the way of nature drainage, constructing sponge city with natural water saving, infiltration and purification in accordance with the requirements of [2015] No.75 document of General Office of the State Council, 20% of urban built-up area shall reach the goal of sponge city construction till 2020 and 80% of the area shall reach the goal in 2030.
海绵城市是我国目前城市基础设施领域热点话题,全国已有 200多个城市制定了海绵城市建设方案,正积极推动我国海绵城市建设与发展。海绵城市建设不仅是解决城市化快速发展带来城市环境恶化、水资源保护等问题的重要举措,也是城市生态文明建设的主要方式和实现新型城镇化的重要手段,更是国家投资和建设的重要方向,是拉动经济增长新引擎。
At present, Sponge city is a hot topic in the field of urban infrastructure, more than 200 cities have worked out the plan to build sponge city and are actively promoting the construction and development of sponge city in China. Sponge city construction is not only the important solution for the problems of environment deterioration and water resources protection caused by the rapid development of urbanization, but also the main mode of construction of urban ecological civilization, the important approach of new urbanization, the important direction of national investment and construction and a new engine of driving economic growth.
Currently, many cities have been suffered from heavy rain flood, the construction of sponge city is becoming increasingly important due to the defect of urban rain flood management system, old drainage system and insufficient drainage capability. Sponge city construction can not only effectively improve urban drainage and rain flood prevention, but also can quickly solve problems of water pollution, ground water recession, heat island effect and influence on weather.
With the development of sponge urban construction, some problems are exposed: misunderstanding the concept of urban sponge development and existing some errors.For example,simply copy from foreign experience; "fragmentation" tendencies appears; imperfect market-oriented operation and financing (PPP model).
为了更好地推进和服务我国海绵城市建设工作,引导更多的企业和机构参与海绵城市建设,经报全国工商联批准,全联城市基础设施商会拟定于 9月23至24日在南京国际展览中心举办“ 2016中国海绵城市国际交流大会”(简称大会),旨在为我国海绵城市建设搭建技术成果推广和模式理念交流的服务平台,促进国内外海绵城市建设在学术研究、咨询顾问、投资建设、政府管理等领域交流合作,吸收先进的理念和技术成果,服务中国海绵城市建设和行业企业发展。
In order to promote the services of sponge and urban construction, and guide more enterprises and institutions involved in urban construction, allowed by the National Federation of approval, Trans Union Chamber of Commerce in urban infrastructure planned to organize the "2016 China international Conference of sponge cities" (referred as the General Assembly) on September 23 to 24 at the Nanjing International Exhibition Center. This conference aims to build a service platform for sponge urban construction and technological achievement to promote the exchange of ideas and models for domestic urban sponge construction with academic research, consulting, investment in construction exchanges, government and other cooperation, and absorb advance concepts and technological achievements, serving the construction and development of Chinese sponge urban in industries and enterprises.
As an annual international exchange activity and technological achievement promotion platform which is regarded as a think tank for the sponge city at home and abroad. It is also a place for technology promotion, case sharing, exchange of experiences and collaborative professional platform.
◆批准单位 Approved by 中华全国工商业联合会
All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce
◆指导单位:Instructed by
Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China
◆主办单位 Hosted by
China Urban Infrastructure Chamber of Commerce
Nanjing Municipal People’s Government
◆支持单位 Supported by
Chinese Society for Urban Studies
China Eco-city Academy
Hohai University
State Key Laborratory Of Silica Sand Resources Utilization
Innovation Center For Sponge City
Professional green design committee of CSUS
Professional ecological city committee of CSUS
Professional digital city committee of CSUS
◆承办单位 Organized by
China Sponge City Industry Association
Nanjing Shangxuan Exhibition Service Co., Ltd.
Content of the Conference
Theme: Focus on Lead-edge Technologies to Serve the Sponge City in China
Time: September 23-24, 2016 (September 23 The exhibition will be inaugurated; for registration,September 24 for conference)
Venue: Nanjing International Exhibition Center
(四)大会规模: 1500人
Scale: 1500 participants
(五)参会费用 Fees:
Domestic: ¥1600/person/conference (including one-night accommodation, table sign, material,certificate, Price of meals)
Overseas: $300/person/conference (including one-night accommodation, table sign, material,certificate, Price of meals)
¥1200/person/conference (including material, certificate , Price of meals )
参会直通车:李女士:400-6869-561 /010-59493179/15301399514
电 话:010-88083766转8681/8682
联系人:王先生 郭先生
邮 箱:csc_expo@sina.com
地 址:南京市玄武区龙蟠路88号南京国际展览中心
电 话:025-85725597
电 话:010-68790960/68790522
传 真:010-68799626
邮 箱:010-68799626
网 址:www.acfic-ccoi.org
[责任编辑 : liqionghao]
海绵城市建设 2016海绵城市国际交流大会 特乐意平台官方报名
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